Справочная информация и описание кабеля Cisco Console (9) Use this cable to configure a Cisco device using the Console port. […]
Метка: электроника
show all postsСправочная информация и описание кабеля Conrad Electronics MM3610D (25) Use this cable to connect a Conrad Electronics Multimeter 3610D to […]
Справочная информация и описание кабеля Conrad Electronics MM3610D (9) Use this cable to connect a Conrad Electronics Multimeter 3610D to […]
Справочная информация и описание кабеля Modem (25-25) This cable should be used for DTE to DCE (for instance computer to […]
Справочная информация и описание кабеля Modem (9-15) This cable should be used to connect an internal 14.4kbps Speedster modem to […]
Справочная информация и описание кабеля Modem (9-25) This cable should be used for DTE to DCE (for instance computer to […]
Справочная информация и описание кабеля Macintosh Modem (With DTR) This cable should be used for DTE to DCE (for instance […]
Справочная информация и описание кабеля Macintosh Modem (Without DTR) This cable should be used for DTE to DCE (for instance […]
Справочная информация и описание кабеля Nullmodem (25-25) Use this cable between two DTE devices (for instance two computers). (To Computer […]
Справочная информация и описание кабеля Nullmodem (9-25) Use this cable between two DTE devices (for instance two computers). (To Computer […]